Why recycle?
98% of a lead acid battery can be reclaimed through recycling. The lead, plastic and acid components are re-processed and manufactured into an array of other products including guide posts, cabling and detergents.
Sulfuric acid - Sulfuric acid is converted to sodium sulfate to be used in the manufacture of glass, textiles, laundry detergents and fertilisers.
Lead - Battery plates, inter cell connectors and posts made from lead are melted down in a smelter furnace. The molten lead is then formed into ingots for re-use.
Polypropylene - Battery containers and lids are chipped and sent for recycling into rubbish bins, plant pots etc.

Benefits of recycling
- Help build a cleaner New Zealand for future generations
- Prevent harm to humans and wildlife
- Protect the environment
- Conserve natural resources
- Reduce the amount of waste to landfill